“In 2021, we took the initial steps to outline our commitment to sustainability, recognizing that we were embarking on a long-term journey. Since then, our focus has sharpened, reflecting our dedication to shaping a more sustainable future. Today, our approach to responsible product management is evolving, integrating creativity with a deep respect for both people and the planet.”
Luca Ferrari, Director of CSR & Environmental Impact

Our mission to advance as a responsible brand is ongoing and ever-evolving. We are committed to minimizing our impact on people and the environment, striving to reduce our footprint across all aspects of our business and supply chain.

In 2024, 83% of our collection featured elements of responsible and lower-impact materials, surpassing our initial target of 70%.

By 2027, we aim to transition at least 85% of our materials to more responsible and lower-impact alternatives.


Guided by scientific insights, we are committed to a future with lower environmental impact. Our company has set ambitious near-term targets, validated by the Global Science Initiative (GSI), to reduce scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. Working in partnership with our parent organization, Green Horizons Group, we assess our carbon footprint annually. Green Horizons Group pledges to cut absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 90% by FY2035 from a FY2022 baseline, increase renewable electricity sourcing to 100% by FY2035, and reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, as well as upstream transportation and distribution, by 35% in the same timeframe.

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We are committed to safeguarding human rights, fair labor practices, and safe working environments within our supply chains. By 2026, we will introduce a joint supplier-brand ethical code of conduct and implement enhanced responsible purchasing practices to strengthen our supplier partnerships and improve working conditions.

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Our goal is to source 100% more responsible and lower-impact materials across our key fibers, including cotton, viscose, polyester, leather, and wool, by 2030. These materials are grown and produced to certified standards that minimize water use, carbon emissions, and waste while promoting animal welfare and ethical labor practices.

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We collaborate with suppliers to measure, monitor, and reduce environmental impacts across our supply chain, focusing on improving working conditions and enhancing transparency and traceability. By 2026, we aim for all our factories to be audited to the SEDEX (SMETA) standard, with 85% rated green. Key environmental impacts include energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water management, waste reduction, and chemical handling.

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“The design phase of a product—encompassing material selection, manufacturing, durability, and care—is where most of its ecological impact is determined. We see this as an opportunity to merge our creative process with socially and environmentally responsible practices.”
Elena Martinez, Product Manager

Ongoing Achievements: What We've Accomplished


  • All packaging materials are FSC certified, sourced from sustainable practices.
  • Joined the Sustainable Leather Alliance to enhance the environmental standards of leather production.


  • Established a Diversity & Inclusion Council.
  • Signed the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Ethical Labor Practices Pledge and participated in initiatives addressing labor rights violations globally.
  • Our annual Human Rights Report details risks and mitigation strategies within our supply chain.


  • Committed to sourcing 85% more responsible material alternatives across key fibers by 2025.
  • Achieved 100% traceability for our wool products.
  • Introduced eco-friendly packaging solutions in our Spring 2024 collection.


  • Ensured transparency across tier one and two of our supply chain.
  • Contributed to the Global Apparel Transparency Index.
  • Partner with suppliers who adhere to our Code of Conduct and other relevant policies to ensure fair and safe working conditions.

Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement

  • We Measure and Assess: Continuously track our impact and progress.
  • We Set New Targets: Establishing new, ambitious goals for sustainability.
  • We Implement Actions: Execute strategies to achieve our targets and drive progress.
  • We Evolve: Adapt and refine our practices to enhance our sustainability efforts.

Dedicated to Progress
We are dedicated to ongoing innovation, sourcing high-quality, responsible styles that reduce environmental impact. Our commitment to sustainability is a continuous journey, and we strive to make meaningful advancements towards a better future.